Bruiser Ahri build with runes and items. Bruiser Ahri guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Bruiser Ahri build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Your build is survivability oriented. With some damage and tons of HP and defense.
You auto attack a lot.
How to play
As Ahri playing Bruiser build - you need ot adapt to an enemy team and to the game! Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. Are they heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs!
Tips and Tricks
You can Charm (E), then Flash to do cool combo and catch unsuspecting enemies!
You can Charm (E), then Flash forward or sideways.
Use Charm to set up your combos, it will make landing Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire dramatically easier.
Initiate team fights using Charm, and chase down stragglers with Spirit Rush.
Spirit Rush enables Ahri's abilities, it opens up paths for Charm, helps double hitting with Orb of Deception, and closes to make use of Fox-Fire.