ADC Azir build with runes and items. ADC Azir guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play ADC Azir build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.4!
You build 100% crit, lots of AD and some attack speed.
You play as carry for your team
Soldiers (W) proc your On-Hit effects.
Your Soldiers (W) do not crit! More crit and attack speed you have, less W you should use. So just auto attack with full build and do not bother using W at all.
How to play
Azir ADC build with 100% crit. You go AD, Attack Speed and of course... Crit!
Usually Statikk Shiv is good first item
Don't rush Infinity Edge. Usually go for it as #2 or #3 item.
Counter enemy team. If they have lots of tanks or start stacking Armor, rush Lord Dominik's Regards.
Tips and Tricks
You should stay near Shurima's Legacy (Passive), whenever possible. It loses Armor and Magic Resist if you are too far.
Be careful about putting down both of the soldiers stored by Arise! Unless you're going all-in, always have a soldier in your back pocket if you need to escape over a wall or if you misposition your other soldier and need damage now.
In the lane, try to position your soldiers between the enemy's minions and the enemy champion. This way you can use them both to last hit and to project threat onto your lane opponent.
Think of Emperor's Divide as a defensive ability first and foremost. Use it when the enemy engages on you or your allies. Remember that your team can walk through the soldiers summoned by Emperor's Divide and use this to your advantage when enemy melee champions engage on you.