On-Hit Blitzcrank build with runes and items. On-Hit Blitzcrank guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play On-Hit Blitzcrank build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
You are going Guinsoo's Rageblade, building Attack Speed and On-Hit items.
Thanks to Guinsoo's Rageblade, your On Hit effects are gonna trigger two times every third Attack.
You are gonna play Carry for your team.
Your passive part of R stacks! Meaning, after you stop auto attacking champion, he is still going to be getting damage.
Do not use R active part too soon, as you are going to lose tons of damage from on-hits!
Use R as finisher or in some scenarios, as shield destroying/interrupting tool.
How to play
Build On-Hit items!
Usually Guinsoo's Rageblade is not good first rush. Get it as #2 or #3 item.
Your first item should be adapting to enemy team:
If they have tons of HP stacking bruisers/tanks - go Blade of The Ruined King.
If they are super magic damage heavy / CC - go Wit's End.
If you want to become more tanky - go Titanic Hydra.
You could get Statikk Shiv for fun and wave clear, but it is more difficult to use it as melee champion. Beware!
Otherwise, you can get Kraken Slayer.
You need some time to ramp-up your damage (runes, items etc.), so position well and keep auto attacking!
Remember to use Titanic Hydra active! It deals additional damage and also resets auto attack timer!
Tips and Tricks
Hook Combos
To make sure that you chain CC after pulling somebody with Q, use R before E (if they some good ways of getting out) - Q + R + E
If enemy has some kind of ability / item / Flash that can counter your Rocket Grab (Q) and they are waiting for your Q animation, use Static Field (R) first to silence them.
General combo is to Q + auto + E + auto + R. More autos you land, bigger damage you land thanks to Static Field (R) Passive (on-hit proc explosion).
Rocket Grab (Q)
Sometimes it is better to hold on your Rocket Grab (Q), rather than using it if you are not sure if you hit it. It puts pressure on the enemy, as they need to take into account your Q.
If enemy is juking you left and right, just get close to him with your Overdrive (W), then punch him with Power Fist (E) and then finally use Rocket Grab (Q) to catch him.
Be careful who you pull with Rocket Grab (Q)! As sometimes you might lose fight just by yourself.
Power Fist (E)
Power Fist (E) resets auto attack. Use it for your advantage when fighting in melee range and when pushing turrets.
Static Field (R)
Instead of using Static Field (R) right away, after you catch somebody, punch them few times (AA + E + AA) before using R. This way you will do more damage, thanks to your R Passive (on-hit proc explosion).
Static Field (R) destroys shields, use it for your advantage and hold your R when enemy champions get big shields.
The 1-2-3 combo of Rocket Grab, Power Fist, and Static Field can devastate an individual opponent.
Using Blitzcrank's grab to pull an enemy into your tower range followed by a Power Fist will allow the tower to get several hits on them.