Full Magic Pen Diana build with runes and items. Full Magic Pen Diana guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Full Magic Pen Diana build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Playing Full Magic Pen Diana build, your default rush is Luden's Companion. In cases, when an enemy team is full of tanks and HP stackers, go Liandry's Torment.
Adapt to an enemy team. Are they full of tanks, and they rush tons of Magic Resist? You rush Void Staff as #2 or #3 item to counter MR stacking. Their team has champs with lots of healing? Rush Oblivion Orb as #2 item (upgrade to Morellonomicon as 4th or 5th item).
Somebody is going after you each fight? Always getting ulted by enemy assassins? Rush Zhonya's Hourglass.
Tips and Tricks
Diana Trick #1: Your Lunar Rush (E) cooldown is reset, when you consume Moonlight mark from Crescent Strike (Q) ability. Trick is, you can Q + E instantly, even if your Q did not hit yet (but it is going to).
Diana Trick #2: For great engages, you can instantly (trick #1) Q + E to minion, then E to champion, then Flash to the whole enemy team and Moonfall (R)!
Landing Crescent Strike is critically important, but don't be afraid to miss. The cooldown is short and the mana cost is low.
Consider when to cast Lunar Rush without Moonlight and when to wait for another Crescent Strike.
Use Moonfall and Lunar Rush to stay on targets and activate Moonsilver Blade for extra damage.