The 5 Best Evelynn ARAM Builds
The 5 Best Evelynn ARAM Builds

Discover 5 Best Evelynn ARAM builds with runes and items. Evelynn ARAM guides offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Find best, meta or off-meta Evelynn ARAM builds for LoL Patch 25.05!

Author: Wrekah
250 games
Popular Starting Items
Hextech Alternator should be your first buy.
Refillable Potion should be your first buy.
Health Potion should be your first buy.
Pick: 39%
Best Items
Rabadon's Deathcap should be one of your final items.
Lich Bane should be one of your final items.
Stormsurge should be one of your final items.
Shadowflame should be one of your final items.
Luden's Companion should be one of your final items.
Popular Skill Order
Evelynn ability Hate Spike should be leveled first.
Evelynn ability Whiplash should be leveled second.
Evelynn ability Allure should be leveled third.
Popular Summoners
Flash should be one of your final items.
Mark should be one of your final items.
Pick: 78%
Popular Runes
Major rune Dark Harvest
Minor rune [object Object].
Pick: 52%
DMG done 110%
DMG taken 90%
Tenacity +20%
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Evelynn AP Build Guide for ARAM
AP Evelynn build for ARAM.
Mark should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Dark Harvest from Domination tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Sorcerer's Shoes should be one of your final items.
Stormsurge should be one of your final items.
Zhonya's Hourglass should be one of your final items.
Shadowflame should be one of your final items.
Lich Bane should be one of your final items.
Rabadon's Deathcap should be one of your final items.
Evelynn Support Build Guide for ARAM
Evelynn Support build for ARAM. With Redemption, Locket and Moonstone. You are a healer, Harry.
Mark should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Guardian from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Inspiration.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity should be one of your final items.
Redemption should be one of your final items.
Echoes of Helia should be one of your final items.
Knight's Vow should be one of your final items.
Moonstone Renewer should be one of your final items.
Locket of the Iron Solari should be one of your final items.
Evelynn Heartsteel Build Guide for ARAM
Heartsteel Evelynn ARAM build.
Mark should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Grasp of the Undying from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Plated Steelcaps should be one of your final items.
Heartsteel should be one of your final items.
Kaenic Rookern should be one of your final items.
Thornmail should be one of your final items.
Warmog's Armor should be one of your final items.
Overlord's Bloodmail should be one of your final items.
Evelynn Iceborn Gauntlet Build Guide for ARAM
Iceborn Gauntlet
Evelynn Iceborn Gauntlet build for ARAM with optional Imperial Mandate for more fun.
Mark should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Aftershock from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Plated Steelcaps should be one of your final items.
Iceborn Gauntlet should be one of your final items.
Randuin's Omen should be one of your final items.
Imperial Mandate should be one of your final items.
Frozen Heart should be one of your final items.
Thornmail should be one of your final items.
Evelynn Tank Build Guide for ARAM
Tank Evelynn ARAM build with Jak'Sho. Get tanky and adapt to enemy team!
Mark should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Aftershock from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Mercury's Treads should be one of your final items.
Jak'Sho, The Protean should be one of your final items.
Abyssal Mask should be one of your final items.
Hollow Radiance should be one of your final items.
Unending Despair should be one of your final items.
Thornmail should be one of your final items.