Riftmaker Irelia Build

Riftmaker Irelia build with runes and items. Riftmaker Irelia guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Riftmaker Irelia build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Author: Wrekah
Starting items![Recurve Bow should be final item in your build.]()

Quick Skill Order![Irelia ability Defiant Dance should be leveled first.]()
![Irelia ability Flawless Duet should be leveled second.]()
![Irelia ability Bladesurge should be leveled third.]()



Final items![Berserker's Greaves should be final item in your build.]()
![Nashor's Tooth should be final item in your build.]()
![Guinsoo's Rageblade should be final item in your build.]()
![Rabadon's Deathcap should be final item in your build.]()
![Riftmaker should be final item in your build.]()
![Zhonya's Hourglass should be final item in your build.]()

Quick Runes![Major rune Lethal Tempo from Precision tree.]()
![Minor rune Domination.]()

Summoner spells![Pick Mark as your Summoner Spell.]()
![Pick Flash as your Summoner Spell.]()

Riftmaker Irelia Runes
Precision![Precision major tree Press the Attack rune.]()
![Precision major tree Lethal Tempo rune.]()
![Precision major tree Fleet Footwork rune.]()
![Precision major tree Conqueror rune.]()
![Precision major tree Absorb Life rune.]()
![Precision major tree Triumph rune.]()
![Precision major tree Presence of Mind rune.]()
![Precision major tree Legend: Alacrity rune.]()
![Precision major tree Legend: Haste rune.]()
![Precision major tree Legend: Bloodline rune.]()
![Precision major tree Coup de Grace rune.]()
![Precision major tree Cut Down rune.]()
![Precision major tree Last Stand rune.]()

Domination![Domination minor tree Cheap Shot rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Taste of Blood rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Sudden Impact rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Sixth Sense rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Grisly Mementos rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Deep Ward rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Treasure Hunter rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Relentless Hunter rune.]()
![Domination minor tree Ultimate Hunter rune.]()

Passive![Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).]()
![Passive tree Attack Speed rune (+10% Attack Speed).]()
![Passive tree Ability Haste rune (+8 Ability Haste).]()
![Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).]()
![Passive tree Move Speed rune (+2 Movement Speed).]()
![Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).]()
![Passive tree Health rune (+65 Health).]()
![Passive tree Tenacity And Slow Resist rune (+10 Tenacity and Slow Resist).]()
![Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).]()

How it works
- You rush Nashor's Tooth.
- You then get Riftmaker and Guinsoo's Rageblade.
- You buy AP items and adapt to an enemy team.
How to play
- As Irelia playing Riftmaker build, you will be squishy early on. You need a moment, levels and items to ramp up. Be careful when going in.
Tips and Tricks
- You are an ultimate minion killer, thanks to your Bladesurge (Q). You can farm better than most champions. Use it for your advantage!
- Combo: You can cast Vanguard's Edge (R), then Flash forward to engage, catch unsuspecting enemies and damage them.
- Your Q is still a great farming tool, even if you are playing AP build. Farm!
- Use Bladesurge to cover great distances by targeting low life minions on your way to champion targets.
- Defiant Dance is not interrupted by crowd control, try timing it for incoming disables.
- Flawless Duet does not have a maximum travel distance, try using it in creative ways.
Skill Order
- BladesurgeQ
- Defiant DanceW
- Flawless DuetE
- Vanguard's EdgeR
Starting items![Recurve Bow item.]()

Rush #1![Nashor's Tooth item.]()

Boots![Mercury's Treads item.]()
![Berserker's Greaves item.]()

Core items![Riftmaker item.]()
![Guinsoo's Rageblade item.]()

Good items![Lich Bane item.]()
![Kraken Slayer item.]()
![Rabadon's Deathcap item.]()
![Void Staff item.]()

Situational items![Spirit Visage item.]()
![Zhonya's Hourglass item.]()
![Morellonomicon item.]()
![Banshee's Veil item.]()
![Wit's End item.]()

Counter tanks![Blade of The Ruined King item.]()
![Terminus item.]()

Counter healing![Executioner's Calling item.]()
![Mortal Reminder item.]()

For the last fight![Additional considerations for these items is advised!]()
![Elixir of Sorcery item.]()
![Elixir of Iron item.]()
![Seeker's Armguard item.]()

Example final build![Berserker's Greaves item.]()
![Nashor's Tooth item.]()
![Guinsoo's Rageblade item.]()
![Rabadon's Deathcap item.]()
![Riftmaker item.]()
![Zhonya's Hourglass item.]()