Imperial Mandate Jhin build with runes and items. Imperial Mandate Jhin guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Imperial Mandate Jhin build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
You support through disrupting fights, being annoying, Slowing/Healing/Buffing and soaking damage.
How to play
Your core items - Imperial Mandate and optionally Rylai's Crystal Scepter for even more slows (and consistency).
Your CC triggers Glacial Augument that slows AOE. All Slows trigger Font of Life AND Imperial Mandate, healing and buffing your allies.
Since LoL Patch 14.1 Imperial Mandate is changed. Now you need your team to proc it to deal any damage. So you need to play a little bit differently. Do not spam mindlessly. Try coordinating it with your team - when they are about to poke or when they go in.
Font of Life heal can trigger various support items, like Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water or even Moonstone Renewer!
You need to adapt your items to the game. Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
You can play very safe from the distance if needed (lots of poke, going in, going after you). Use W, R and place traps.
Auto attack and count! Even with AP items, your autoattacks are quite powerful. Every 4th shot is basically execute, that scales off with enemy missing health.
Tips and Tricks
Your fourth shot is powerful execute. Early on, save Jhin 4th shot for harass or even kill.
Before using Curtain Call (R), you can place traps before you, so enemies will have a hard time getting to you in time.
Simple combo: place trap and wait for the enemy to come, then Deadly Flourish (W) him, this way he takes tons of damage.
Harder combo: traps stack, you can place multiple in one spot and wait for an enemy with Deadly Flourish (W).
You can use traps for bush control. You can also use them to annoy enemy team - when enemies are under turret, put traps in minions weaves to trigger them, or behind turret.
Slow enemy push by placing traps on the minions' path.
Do not wait for 'special moment' and just use Curtain Call (R) on the enemy team when possible!
Deadly Flourish has incredible range. When approaching a fight be sure to look ahead for enemies that could be rooted.
Your ultimate deals significantly less damage to enemies with full health. Look to pick off weakened targets as they run away.
You can still cast your spells while reloading. Use them to fill the down time.