AP Kayn Build

AP Kayn Build.

AP Kayn build with runes and items. AP Kayn guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play AP Kayn build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!

Author: Wrekah


Starting items
Hextech Alternator should be final item in your build.
Quick Skill Order
Kayn ability Blade's Reach should be leveled first.
Kayn ability Reaping Slash should be leveled second.
Kayn ability Shadow Step should be leveled third.
Final items
Ionian Boots of Lucidity should be final item in your build.
Hextech Rocketbelt should be final item in your build.
Kaenic Rookern should be final item in your build.
Thornmail should be final item in your build.
Warmog's Armor should be final item in your build.
Liandry's Torment should be final item in your build.
Quick Runes
Major rune First Strike from Inspiration tree.
Minor rune Domination.
Summoner spells
Pick Ignite as your Summoner Spell.
Pick Flash as your Summoner Spell.

AP Kayn Runes

Inspiration major tree Glacial Augment rune.
Inspiration major tree Unsealed Spellbook rune.
Inspiration major tree First Strike rune.
Inspiration major tree Hextech Flashtraption rune.
Inspiration major tree Magical Footwear rune.
Inspiration major tree Cash Back rune.
Inspiration major tree Triple Tonic rune.
Inspiration major tree Time Warp Tonic rune.
Inspiration major tree Biscuit Delivery rune.
Inspiration major tree Cosmic Insight rune.
Inspiration major tree Approach Velocity rune.
Inspiration major tree Jack Of All Trades rune.
Domination minor tree Cheap Shot rune.
Domination minor tree Taste of Blood rune.
Domination minor tree Sudden Impact rune.
Domination minor tree Sixth Sense rune.
Domination minor tree Grisly Mementos rune.
Domination minor tree Deep Ward rune.
Domination minor tree Treasure Hunter rune.
Domination minor tree Relentless Hunter rune.
Domination minor tree Ultimate Hunter rune.
Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).
Passive tree Attack Speed rune (+10% Attack Speed).
Passive tree Ability Haste rune (+8 Ability Haste).
Passive tree Adaptive Force rune (+9 Adaptive Force).
Passive tree Move Speed rune (+2 Movement Speed).
Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).
Passive tree Health rune (+65 Health).
Passive tree Tenacity And Slow Resist rune (+10 Tenacity and Slow Resist).
Passive tree Health Scaling rune (+10-180 Health (based on level)).



  1. This can be played as red AP Kayn or blue AP Kayn.
  2. Red has CC, healing, percentage % dmg (good against tanks). Blue is more mobile and has potential for more damage (especially against squishes).

How it works


  1. You rush Hextech Rocketbelt #1, Liandry's Torment #2.
  2. You get Cosmic Insight rune to use Hextech Rocketbelt more often.
  3. You poke with Hextech Rocketbelt and First Strike to earn gold and burn enemies.
  4. After core items, you adapt. You can play as a tank or as a damage dealer.

How to play


  1. Use Hextech Rocketbelt active to poke your enemies all the time, earning gold with First Strike.
  2. Adapt to the enemy team. Build tanky or more damage. You can play as a utility tank, poke, or even you can go some AD items to still have plenty of damage. Depends on the team and how you want to play.
  3. For utility tank, remember that Liandry's Torment works good with Serpent's Fang (to counter shields) and Oblivion Orb (to counter healing).
  4. Cosmic Insight reduces the cooldown of all active items, so Zhonya's Hourglass really works well with this build.
  5. Wait for the First Strike and proc it with your combo, to deal damage and earn gold.
  6. Be careful to not get poked, because you waste First Strike procs.
  7. Transformation is really important for this build. Do not hesitate to wait for it for some time in the spawning pool.
  8. Red/Blue: Your main combo is First Strike + Hextech Rocketbelt + W + Q + and go full in, with auto attacks + Ignite + R, then more Qs or get away with E/Q.
  9. Red/Blue: Your alternate combo just for poke is First Strike + Hextech Rocketbelt + W.

Tips and Tricks


  1. Look at the line-up of both your team and the enemy's team when picking your form.
  2. Remember that nearby enemies can see which wall you're in.

Skill Order

  • Kayn [object Object] ability.
    Reaping Slash
  • Kayn [object Object] ability.
    Blade's Reach
  • Kayn [object Object] ability.
    Shadow Step
  • Kayn [object Object] ability.
    Umbral Trespass


Starting items
Hextech Alternator item.
Rush #1
Hextech Rocketbelt item.
Rush #2
Liandry's Torment item.
Plated Steelcaps item.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity item.
Mercury's Treads item.
Good tank items
Jak'Sho, The Protean item.
Warmog's Armor item.
Good MR items
Abyssal Mask item.
Kaenic Rookern item.
Force of Nature item.
Hollow Radiance item.
Spirit Visage item.
Good Armor items
Dead Man's Plate item.
Frozen Heart item.
Randuin's Omen item.
Unending Despair item.
Sunfire Aegis item.
Iceborn Gauntlet item.
Thornmail item.
Situational items
Trailblazer item.
Zeke's Convergence item.
Knight's Vow item.
Optional AD items
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Axiom Arc item.
Chempunk Chainsword item.
The Collector item.
Serylda's Grudge item.
Ravenous Hydra item.
Situational items
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Zhonya's Hourglass item.
Oblivion Orb item.
Serpent's Fang item.
Try if you super fed
Lich Bane item.
Horizon Focus item.
Cosmic Drive item.
For the last fight
Additional considerations for these items is advised!
Elixir of Iron item.
Elixir of Wrath item.
Seeker's Armguard item.
Example final build
Ionian Boots of Lucidity item.
Hextech Rocketbelt item.
Kaenic Rookern item.
Thornmail item.
Warmog's Armor item.
Liandry's Torment item.