Imperial Mandate Kha'Zix build with runes and items. Imperial Mandate Kha'Zix guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Imperial Mandate Kha'Zix build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Imperial Mandate Kha'Zix build. Used to be one of the most annoying builds out there.
Imperial Mandate is changed, now you need your team to proc it to deal any damage. So you need to play a little bit differently. Do not spam mindlessly. Try coordinating it with your team - when they are about to poke or when they go in.
Usually rush Imperial Mandate #1, unless your team will not be able to proc it reliably. If so, then rush Liandry's Torment. Follow up with the other item (Liandry's/Imperial), then Muramana/The Collector. That is your core build.
You can have really good utility with Horizon Focus (revealing enemies).
You can counter extremely well shields and healing by rushing Serpent's Fang/Morellonomicon (works with Liandry's Torment DOT).
Poke from distance and play safe.
Build very similar to Imperial Mandate Ashe build. Very annoying to play against - you poke, slow and burn enemies down with W.
Last Stand is an important talent that does tons of damage. It has a lot of hidden power. You can manipulate your HP to be most of the time within damage buff. It is risky, however with this build, you have an option to almost never ever go in. Also, you can heal up with your W.
Jump with E to the enemies, use W and run away.
Use R (plus optionally Ghost), get closer to the enemies, use W and jump with E away.
Tips and Tricks
Void Assault (R) is a great tool. Change the direction just before you use it, so enemies may get confused where are you going. Use this for sneaking, disrupting fights, poking and going for the kills.
Enemies are considered isolated if they have no allies within a short distance. The damage of Taste Their Fear is massively increased against these targets.
Unseen Threat activates when Kha'Zix cannot be seen by the enemy team. Reactivate by using brush or Void Assault. Don't forget to apply Unseen Threat by autoattacking enemy champions.
Kha'Zix has a great deal of freedom to choose where and when to fight. Pick your battles carefully to succeed.