Imperial Mandate Kog'Maw Build
Imperial Mandate Kog'Maw build with runes and items. Imperial Mandate Kog'Maw guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Imperial Mandate Kog'Maw build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.2!
Author: Wrekah
Starting items
Quick Skill Order
Final items
Quick Runes
Summoner spells
Imperial Mandate Kog'Maw Runes
How it works
- You play as a slow tank, disrupting fights and soaking damage.
- Thanks to slow + Font of Life, you heal allies. You can even get support items.
- Core items: Rylai's Crystal Scepter + Imperial Mandate. If you are behind and the game not go perfectly, skip Imperial Mandate and go full tank.
How to play
- Your all abilities slow and heal your allies and giving them Imperial Mandate buff.
- You can go some support items as well in some cases, like Arden Censer if you got a lot of auto attackers on your team.
- Guardian's Horn is a surprisingly good item for its price. You can keep it for very long time (or even have it as 6th item).
- Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They are heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
- Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs!
- Max W first, then Q or E (depending on enemy team). If you need more damage, get BotRK/Titanic Hydra. If not, go full tanky.
Tips and Tricks
- Kog'Maw can outrange most champions with his Bio-Arcane Barrage ability.
- Use Void Ooze to set up a perfect Living Artillery.
- Make the most out of your Icathian Surprise.
Skill Order
- Caustic SpittleQ
- Bio-Arcane BarrageW
- Void OozeE
- Living ArtilleryR
Starting items
Rush #1
Rush #2
Good tanky items
Good MR items
Good Armor items
Situational items
Situational DMG items
For the last fight
Example final build