AP Lulu build with runes and items. AP Lulu guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play AP Lulu build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Playing AP Lulu build, your default rush is Luden's Companion. In cases, when an enemy team is full of tanks and HP stackers, go Liandry's Torment.
Adapt to an enemy team. Are they full of tanks, and they rush tons of Magic Resist? You rush Void Staff as #2 or #3 item to counter MR stacking. Their team has champs with lots of healing? Rush Oblivion Orb as #2 item (upgrade to Morellonomicon as 4th or 5th item).
Somebody is going after you each fight? Always getting ulted by enemy assassins? Rush Zhonya's Hourglass.
Tips and Tricks
Usually do not use polymorph from Whimsy (W) right away. It all depends on the situation, but people might try to bait you. If the situation allows, wait for the enemy to commit to whatever he is up to, then polymorph him to his doom.
How to poke as AP Lulu? Use Help, Pix! (E) on ally or enemy minion, stay in range, wait for a minion to come close to an enemy and shoot Glitterlance (Q)! It is very effective, and you can poke from a very long distance. People will not expect it.
If you can poke from the distance with Help, Pix! (E), do not max Help, Pix! (E) second because it will start killing minions and making it harder to poke (so order is: Q > W > E). For maximum damage, max E second.
Late in the game, you can just use Help, Pix! (E) on your tank or fighter and deal damage from distance with Glitterlance (Q).
Glitterlance can be fired at odd angles depending on where your cursor is - Moving your cursor closer to Pix and Lulu will change your area of effect size considerably.
Consider casting Help, Pix! on ranged attackers for the Pix boost and Wild Growth on Tanks or Fighters for the added initiation power.