Support Lulu build with runes and items. Support Lulu guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Support Lulu build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
You support your Team providing Healing, Shielding and various Buffs.
You rush Moonstone Renewer.
You can peel from your carries with Exhaust.
How to play
You need to adapt in the game to your team and to the enemy team.
Your team needs to engage? Get items like Shurelya's Battlesong or Trailblazer.
Your team getting poked to death? Consider getting Redemption AND/OR Locket of the Iron Solari
If you are just getting poked and cannot manage to stay alive - get Kaenic Rookern or Warmog's Armor (caution: needs enough HP!)
You have tanks, bruisers and your team lack damage? As a last resort, you can buy few items to even help with that!
Remember to counter an enemy team. For example, if they have lots of healing, get Oblivion Orb early.
Tips and Tricks
Usually do not use polymorph from Whimsy (W) right away. It all depends on the situation, but people might try to bait you. If the situation allows, wait for the enemy to commit to whatever he is up to, then polymorph him to his doom.
Glitterlance can be fired at odd angles depending on where your cursor is - Moving your cursor closer to Pix and Lulu will change your area of effect size considerably.
Consider casting Help, Pix! on ranged attackers for the Pix boost and Wild Growth on Tanks or Fighters for the added initiation power.