Thornmail Master Yi build with runes and items. Thornmail Master Yi guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Thornmail Master Yi build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Hit or miss. Works only if an enemy team is full of physical damage dealers (preferably auto-attackers).
If an enemy team is full of mages/AP damage, play regular tank build instead.
How to play
How is this Thornmail build for Master Yi different to regular tank builds? Item order, Armor stacking and countering enemy physical damage dealers!
This build is aimed to counter AD comps. Since you don't know the enemy team, you need to adapt in game. It is hit or miss. If they are heavy AP - just play regular tank.
Late game, you can consider selling boots for 6th item - for even more sweet Thornmail damage!
Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs!
This build is about W (Meditate). You go in, they focus you, you use W and soak tons of damage and you do tons of damage while doing that.
If an enemy team has tons of interrupts, just play a normal Master Yi tank version, because you are gonna get frustrated a lot.
There are two mandatory items for this build. Catalyst of Aeons lets you constantly use W in fights (it drains % max mana per second) and Thornmail, which lets you damage your enemies while they try to kill you.
You don't need boots for this build, however, if you want to boost your damage, get Sorcerer's Shoes. It will buff your Thornmail damage, Sunfire Aegis damage and Jak'Sho, The Protean damage.
You can sell Catalyst of Aeons late game.
Tips and Tricks
If you're in a lane against ranged players, leveling up Meditate can allow you to stay in the lane longer and gain levels faster than they will.
Wuju Style is very strong early for last hitting minions.
Try using Alpha Strike on a minion in front of an enemy champion so you are placed at a safe distance at the end of the spell.