Full Magic Penetration Mordekaiser build with runes and items. Full Magic Penetration Mordekaiser guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Full Magic Penetration Mordekaiser build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Author: LiquidLeech @NA
Starting items
Quick Skill Order
Final items
Quick Runes
Summoner spells
Full Magic Penetration Mordekaiser Runes
How it works
You play as burst oriented Mage.
You build AP items.
You rush Stormsurge.
How to play
Playing Full Magic Penetration Mordekaiser build, your default rush is Stormsurge.
Adapt to an enemy team. Are they full of tanks, and they rush tons of Magic Resist? You rush Void Staff as #2 or #3 item to counter MR stacking. Their team has champs with lots of healing? Rush Oblivion Orb as #2 item (upgrade to Morellonomicon as 4th or 5th item).
Somebody is going after you each fight? Always getting ulted by enemy assassins? Rush Zhonya's Hourglass.
Rush first Hextech Rocketbelt, then build magic penetration and full AP.
Just pick one person to ult off cooldown and to 1 shot.
This ARAM build does a lot of damage, but is just very squishy, since you are just building for one shooting enemy.
Extra points (for you) if you keep ulting 1 person over and over.
If the enemy buys QSS, find another target.
Use Snowball to reach the target and ult them to 1v1. Use exhaust on them, so you never lose the duel.
Tips and Tricks
You can be pretty good at peeling from your Team or Carries. Enemy has Fiddlesticks? Maybe Zed that jumps on your Ashe? Just ult them with your Realm of Death (R).
Offense is your defense. Keep fighting to build up larger Indestructible shields.
Hitting multiple champions with the same ability can help quickly activate Darkness Rise.
Use Realm of Death on a low health enemy to guarantee the kill and keep their stats for the rest of a teamfight.