Tank Nidalee build with runes and items. Tank Nidalee guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Tank Nidalee build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
You start with Guardian's Horn. Your #1 rush should be item that counters enemy team most (MR or Armor item). Get Jak'Sho as #2 item. Then adapt.
You will be more tanky later on, so play more carefully in the early game.
Triumph is better overall (heal + gold), but if you want to have easier time with your mana, go Presence of the Mind.
Guardian's Horn is a surprisingly good item for its price. You can keep it for very long time (or even have it as 6th item).
You need to adapt your items to the game. Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs!
You can max Q or E.
Tips and Tricks
You can use your traps Bushwhack / Pounce (W) for bush control.
When there's Cannon minion or Siege minion, try focusing it, so an enemy team won't destroy all your traps.
For that reason, you can put your traps more behind your position (i.e., if an enemy team has great engage on your team).
As Nidalee, you have your ultimate Aspect Of The Cougar (R) since lvl 1. You can lose track of enemy levels and get surprised by their level 6 spike and their ulti. Watch out!
You can abuse Sudden Impact rune with Javelin Toss / Takedown (Q) in Human Form! Throw Q, then use switch to Cougar Form. If it hits, they are dealt additional true damage. Same works with Bushwhack / Pounce (W).
Human and Cougar Form interactions
Nidalee is treated as melee in Cougar Form and as ranged in Human Form. That means there are interactions with certain runes and items. Examples below.
Grasp of the Undying - If you want to deal more damage, get more Health and heal for more with Grasp of the Undying - when auto from ranged, switch to melee (when animation is mid-flight)!
First Strike - If you play Nidalee with First Strike rune, if you use Human Javelin Toss / Takedown (Q) and change to Cougar Form, you actually get the melee gold. This way you can farm and earn additional gold per minute by syncing Q with First Strike (beware of Bushwhack / Pounce (W) though!).
Credit: Nxal
Hubris - if you score a takedown when in Cougar Form, you get more Attack Damage (melee effect), than you would get in Human Form.
Use brush to your advantage! Moving in and out of brush can heavily alter your effectiveness in battle.
Start team fights by harassing with your Javelin Toss, and then switch to cougar form to chase down Hunted targets.
Bushwhack traps deal damage based on their victim's current Health. Set them up in your team's backline before fights break out during sieges to help your team deal damage to the enemy frontline.