Thornmail Poppy build with runes and items. Thornmail Poppy guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Thornmail Poppy build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Hit or miss. Works only if an enemy team is full of physical damage dealers (preferably auto-attackers).
If an enemy team is full of mages/AP damage, play regular tank build instead.
How to play
How is this Thornmail build for Poppy different to regular tank builds? Item order, Armor stacking and countering enemy physical damage dealers!
This build is aimed to counter AD comps. Since you don't know the enemy team, you need to adapt in game. It is hit or miss. If they are heavy AP - just play regular tank.
Late game, you can consider selling boots for 6th item - for even more sweet Thornmail damage!
Be careful to not waste Aftershock. Try timing it and keeping it for going in.
You get extra spikey because of your Steadfast Presence (W) that gives additional Armor.
You get super extra spikey when you are below 40% (W), thanks to doubled defensive stats.
Shield from Iron Ambassador (Passive) indirectly increases Thornmail's damage as it increases your effective HP and you can take more hits. Use it on cooldown.
Tips and Tricks
Remember to pick shield from Iron Ambassador (Passive) as often as possible! It prevents tons of poke and lets you play more aggressively.
You can use Heroic Charge (E) as escaping tool as well! Target minions or enemies that are far away to escape.
You can stun enemies by using Heroic Charge (E) against champion-created walls and terrain!
Your Iron Ambassador (Passive) count as ranged attack, which means some runes and items will give you an effect as if you were ranged champion. For example: Grasp of the Undying - less heal, less Health, less dmg. Hubris - less ad. First Strike - less gold.
Credit: Alex.
Iron Ambassador tends to land near walls, try to take advantage of this with Heroic Charge.
Keeper's Verdict can be released immediately to send the enemy straight up, take advantage of this in duels.