AP Singed build with runes and items. AP Singed guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play AP Singed build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
This AP Singed build is fun, but you are not really tanky. You are glass cannon (especially outside your Insanity Potion (R)). Remember to not play like a tank!
Tips and Tricks
Singed ARAM combo: throw Mega Adhesive (W) under someone, then hit him with Mark (super easy), then Fling (E) him into your team!
Poison Trail is very effective at farming and harassing, allowing Singed to dominate the flow of whatever lane he's in.
Use Insanity Potion to trick your opponents into chasing you through your Poison Trail.
Flinging enemies into your tower can deal heavy amounts of damage to them.