Lethality Sion build with runes and items. Lethality Sion guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Lethality Sion build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.4!
You build Lethality and wait for a moment to strike enemy squishes.
Snowball / Mark is a crucial cooldown for playing this build. Do not waste it or even wait to hit the enemy at point-blank range to ensure hit (so you follow them, if they Flash).
If an enemy team is full of tanks or bruisers, rush Serylda's Grudge or even Lord Dominik's Regards early (sometimes even #2). Black Cleaver is also an alternative. The key is to adapt to the enemy team.
Your Q is going to be bread and butter of this build.
Your usual play pattern revolves around sitting in bush, charging Q and devastating your enemies. Get good at it.
If an enemy team does not have tons of CC, you can confidently charge full Q in fights.
Remember that your auto attacks hurt too, so use them.
You can peel from your carries. Enemy assassins going after them? Charge Q where your carry is/will be.
Tips and Tricks
Remember that your Soul Furnace (W) does % max HP, making it pretty good ability to execute your enemies. Wait few seconds so you can explode, combine that with Flash and you have a nice combo to finish off your enemies.
You can combo Soul Furnace (W) with Unstoppable Onslaught (R). Pop W, wait a second or two, then use your ultimate. Detonate W when near your target (you don't even need to hit your R) for maximum damage, or when you land your R.
You only have very slight turning ability during Unstoppable Onslaught, so make sure to use it in straight paths.
Roar of the Slayer is a great setup ability to land a very powerful Decimating Smash.
The Soul Furnace buff displays how much shield strength is remaining, use this information to time its explosion perfectly.