Lethality Tristana build with runes and items. Lethality Tristana guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Lethality Tristana build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
If an enemy team is full of tanks or bruisers, rush Serylda's Grudge or even Lord Dominik's Regards early (sometimes even #2). Black Cleaver is also an alternative. The key is to adapt to the enemy team.
Tips and Tricks
R + Flash Combo: You can do 'insec' trick on Tristana by using Buster Shot (R) and Flash.
If you managed to stac 2 or 3 stacks of Explosive Charge (E) on the enemy, in most cases, you can safely jump on him with Rocket Jump (W) and jump out with another W (detonating E resets W).
Her massive gun allows Tristana to fire on targets at a great distance. Utilize this to prevent your enemies from ever laying a hand on you.
Use Rocket Jump after you have stacked up your Explosive Charge on an enemy to finish them off with a burst of damage.
Use Rapid Fire to help stack up your Explosive Charge on enemy champions.