Imperial Mandate Trundle Build
Imperial Mandate Trundle build with runes and items. Imperial Mandate Trundle guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Imperial Mandate Trundle build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.2!
Author: miruk @EUW
Starting items
Quick Skill Order
Final items
Quick Runes
Summoner spells
Imperial Mandate Trundle Runes
How it works
- This build is all about Imperial Mandate.
- And also all about slows.
- You support through disrupting fights, being annoying, Slowing/Healing/Buffing and soaking damage.
- This build is about being super annoying, slowing and knocking back your enemies with E and applying Imperial Mandate debuff AND healing your allies with Font of Life. At the same time!
How to play
- You rush Imperial Mandate. That is only mandatory item for this build. Then you need to adapt to an enemy team.
- Your CC triggers Glacial Augument that slows AOE. All Slows trigger Font of Life AND Imperial Mandate, healing and buffing your allies.
- Since LoL Patch 14.1 Imperial Mandate is changed. Now you need your team to proc it to deal any damage. So you need to play a little bit differently. Do not spam mindlessly. Try coordinating it with your team - when they are about to poke or when they go in.
- Font of Life heal can trigger various support items, like Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water or even Moonstone Renewer!
- You need to adapt your items to the game. Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
- As Trundle, you have really great engaging/catching people off tool in your Pillar of Ice (E). Do not wait for 'special moment' to use it.
- Pillar of Ice (E) can be also used as great peeling ability. However be careful, as this might trap your ally if not used wisely.
- Your Q applies Imperial Mandate (and all benefits mentioned above) as well!
- Your Pillar of Ice (E) works with Serpent's Fang.
- Be careful when playing Fimbulwinter, as your Pillar of Ice (E) triggers this item and you waste shield proc!
Tips and Tricks
- You can stop an enemy team from pushing your turrets with your Pillar of Ice (E). Everyone died, and the enemy tries to push? Just put E on minions' path.
- Your Subjugate (R) shreds Armor and Magic Resist by 40%. It is often recommended to use that on enemy tank. This way, you are getting more tanky and can go into fights. Or R enemy tank to burst him down quickly when he comes at your team. Or even some bruiser tries to go all in? Well, Subjugate him.
- Your Pillar of Ice (E) knocks enemies back from its center. This implies some cool interactions like with Samira's Passive or with Yasuo's Ultimate!
- Your Pillar of Ice (E) knocks back, so you can use it to interrupt some cooldowns or CC, even in melee range.
- Your Pillar of Ice (E) can interrupt casting if you cast it on top of enemy champion. If there's Fiddlesticks on an enemy team, you can try interrupting his ult.
- Weave your auto attacks with Chomp (Q) to maximize damage! Auto - Q - Auto. This works also against turrets.
- Your Frozen Domain (W) increases healing taken. Use it when taking Health Relic, when there are bigger minions that die (your Passive heals off minion maximum health!), when using R or when there are enemy champions about to drop!
- Trundle excels at fighting within his Frozen Domain. Try to draw enemies onto it.
- Use Subjugate to soften a powerful enemy tank or to create a target for your team to focus fire.
- Chomp is good for lowering the physical damage of enemies; try to focus it on enemy physical damage dealers.
Skill Order
- ChompQ
- Frozen DomainW
- Pillar of IceE
- SubjugateR
Starting items
Rush this #1
Good support items
Good tank items
Good MR items
Good Armor items
For mana problems
Situational dmg items
Counter healing
Counter shielding
For the last fight
Example final build