Riftmaker Twitch build with runes and items. Riftmaker Twitch guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Riftmaker Twitch build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
As Twitch playing Riftmaker build, you will be squishy early on. You need a moment, levels and items to ramp up. Be careful when going in.
Tips and Tricks
You can use Ambush (Q) right before taking the portal (frost-gate). This way you get stealth during it, and you are gonna be invisible after exiting it.
Twitch's Attack Speed is among the highest in the game; try purchasing items with on-hit effects such as Black Cleaver or Wit's End.
Contaminate has a large range; apply as many stacks of Deadly Venom as possible before using it.
You can catch up to an enemy out of attack range with Venom Cask.