AP Vayne build with runes and items. AP Vayne guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play AP Vayne build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
Your Tumble (Q) has AP scaling and works nicely with Lich Bane and optionally with Nashor's Tooth (auto attack reset).
Your Silver Bolts (W) works with Shadowflame item as it increases true damage.
You proc Stormsurge easily with your combo.
You can play this build with Dark Harvest (burst oriented, Q and run) or with Hail of Blades (some more auto attacking and W trigger).
If you play with Dark Harvest, rush Luden's Companion first.
How to play
Playing AP Vayne build, your default rush is Stormsurge.
Somebody is going after you each fight? Always getting ulted by enemy assassins? Rush Zhonya's Hourglass.
Combo: wait for Hail of Blades + Ult + Q = burst enemy (+ Stormsurge + Lich Bane + Nashor's Tooth + Shadowflame W proc).
Tips and Tricks
You can have instant Tumble (Q) if you position yourself next to terrain, wall or turret. This way you can push faster, proc Silver Bolts (W) faster or win duels (as you auto attack faster this way).
You can elevate your Vayne game immediately just by changing direction with your Final Hour (R). Pretend that you are going one direction, just to R + Q into another.
Tumble has many uses, but it cannot pass over walls.
Condemn can be used to both pin targets to walls to ensure a kill, or to escape a pursuer.
Don't go in first to a large teamfight. Wait for your teammates to initiate.