Iceborn Gauntlet Vayne build with runes and items. Iceborn Gauntlet Vayne guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Iceborn Gauntlet Vayne build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
You play as Tank, but with focus on kitting the enemy team and utility for your team.
You disrupt fights with CC, soak damage, peel off your carries or initiate for your team.
How to play
You rush Iceborn Gauntlet #1, then you need to adapt your items to the game. Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
You can rush Imperial Mandate #2 if you can afford it, this makes this build more fun. However, if you are behind, it is okay to just skip it.
There's great synergy between Iceborn Gauntlet + Imperial Mandate + Font of Life. You create frozen pools that will persist for a few seconds, slowing enemies, applying Imperial Mandate debuff + Font of Life heal mark for your allies.
For more utility oriented build, you can get Locket of the Iron Solari (sustain) or Shurelya's Battlesong (engages).
Triumph rune is better overall (heal and gold), but if you want to have easier time with your mana, go Presence of the Mind.
Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs!
Beware - early on you will be pretty squishy and tanky later on. Play careful in the early game!
As Vayne playing Iceborn Gauntlet build, you will get tanky. Tankiness combined with R + Q + E enables Vayne to do excellent engages later on and catch people off.
To engage, you can R + Q from bushes or fog of war, then pin enemy into the wall for easy kill.
Be careful when playing Fimbulwinter. Your Condemn (E) becomes multi-tool. You can use it just for shield or for CC!
Tips and Tricks
You can have instant Tumble (Q) if you position yourself next to terrain, wall or turret. This way you can push faster, proc Silver Bolts (W) faster or win duels (as you auto attack faster this way).
You can elevate your Vayne game immediately just by changing direction with your Final Hour (R). Pretend that you are going one direction, just to R + Q into another.
You can instaproc Silver Bolts (W) with Titanic Hydra. Auto + Q + Titanic Hydra active.
Vayne can have great engages too! Buy Randuin Omen, Final Hour (R) + Tumble (Q) into an enemy team and use Active for heavy AoE slow!
Tumble has many uses, but it cannot pass over walls.
Condemn can be used to both pin targets to walls to ensure a kill, or to escape a pursuer.
Don't go in first to a large teamfight. Wait for your teammates to initiate.