The 8 Best Vel'Koz ARAM Builds
The 8 Best Vel'Koz ARAM Builds

Discover 8 Best Vel'Koz ARAM builds with runes and items. Vel'Koz ARAM guides offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Find best, meta or off-meta Vel'Koz ARAM builds for LoL Patch 25.05!

Author: Wrekah
250 games
Popular Starting Items
Lost Chapter should be your first buy.
Refillable Potion should be your first buy.
Health Potion should be your first buy.
Pick: 75%
Best Items
Liandry's Torment should be one of your final items.
Luden's Companion should be one of your final items.
Rabadon's Deathcap should be one of your final items.
Malignance should be one of your final items.
Shadowflame should be one of your final items.
Popular Skill Order
Vel'Koz ability Plasma Fission should be leveled first.
Vel'Koz ability Void Rift should be leveled second.
Vel'Koz ability Tectonic Disruption should be leveled third.
Popular Summoners
Flash should be one of your final items.
Heal should be one of your final items.
Pick: 37%
Popular Runes
Major rune Dark Harvest
Minor rune [object Object].
Pick: 31%
DMG done 95%
DMG taken 105%
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Vel'Koz AP Build Guide for ARAM
Full AP Vel'Koz build for ARAM. With Luden's Companion and tons of AP.
Ghost should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Dark Harvest from Domination tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Sorcerer's Shoes should be one of your final items.
Malignance should be one of your final items.
Rabadon's Deathcap should be one of your final items.
Shadowflame should be one of your final items.
Luden's Companion should be one of your final items.
Void Staff should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz AP Burn Build Guide for ARAM
AP Burn
Liandry's Vel'Koz AP build. Everything will burn. With DOTs.
Ghost should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Dark Harvest from Domination tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Sorcerer's Shoes should be one of your final items.
Liandry's Torment should be one of your final items.
Blackfire Torch should be one of your final items.
Shadowflame should be one of your final items.
Void Staff should be one of your final items.
Malignance should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz Rod of Ages Build Guide for ARAM
Rod of Ages
Vel'Koz Rod of Ages build for ARAM. Safe build with infinity mana and lots of sustain.
Ghost should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Dark Harvest from Domination tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Mercury's Treads should be one of your final items.
Rod of Ages should be one of your final items.
Zhonya's Hourglass should be one of your final items.
Seraph's Embrace should be one of your final items.
Malignance should be one of your final items.
Rabadon's Deathcap should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz Support Build Guide for ARAM
Vel'Koz Support build for ARAM. With Redemption, Locket and Moonstone. You are a healer, Harry.
Heal should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Guardian from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Inspiration.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity should be one of your final items.
Redemption should be one of your final items.
Locket of the Iron Solari should be one of your final items.
Echoes of Helia should be one of your final items.
Cryptbloom should be one of your final items.
Moonstone Renewer should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz Imperial Mandate Build Guide for ARAM
Imperial Mandate
Imperial Mandate Vel'Koz build for ARAM that's all about slowing and disrupting fights.
Exhaust should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Glacial Augment from Inspiration tree.
Minor rune Resolve.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity should be one of your final items.
Imperial Mandate should be one of your final items.
Morellonomicon should be one of your final items.
Spirit Visage should be one of your final items.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter should be one of your final items.
Kaenic Rookern should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz Bruiser Build Guide for ARAM
Titanic Hydra Vel'Koz build. You, Vel'Koz, Grasp of the Undying and one very specific item. Hail Hydra!
Ghost should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Grasp of the Undying from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Mercury's Treads should be one of your final items.
Titanic Hydra should be one of your final items.
Warmog's Armor should be one of your final items.
Thornmail should be one of your final items.
Spirit Visage should be one of your final items.
Force of Nature should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz Tank Build Guide for ARAM
Tank Vel'Koz ARAM build with Heartsteel and Grasp of the Undying.
Ghost should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Grasp of the Undying from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Mercury's Treads should be one of your final items.
Heartsteel should be one of your final items.
Warmog's Armor should be one of your final items.
Thornmail should be one of your final items.
Kaenic Rookern should be one of your final items.
Overlord's Bloodmail should be one of your final items.
Vel'Koz Iceborn Gauntlet Build Guide for ARAM
Iceborn Gauntlet
Vel'Koz Iceborn Gauntlet build for ARAM with optional Imperial Mandate for more fun.
Ghost should be your Summoner Spell.
Flash should be your Summoner Spell.
Major rune Grasp of the Undying from Resolve tree.
Minor rune Precision.
Plated Steelcaps should be one of your final items.
Iceborn Gauntlet should be one of your final items.
Imperial Mandate should be one of your final items.
Frozen Heart should be one of your final items.
Warmog's Armor should be one of your final items.
Thornmail should be one of your final items.