Glacial Augment Warwick Build
Glacial Augment Warwick build with runes and items. Glacial Augment Warwick guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Glacial Augment Warwick build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.2!
Author: Wrekah
Starting items
Quick Skill Order
Final items
Quick Runes
Summoner spells
Glacial Augment Warwick Runes
How it works
- You disrupt fights with CC and Glacial Augument, soak damage, peel off your carries or initiate for your team.
- You can rush Imperial Mandate as #1 item, then adapt to the enemy team - buy Armor or Magic Resist.
- Your Glacial Augument and slows trigger Font of Life, healing your allies.
- You benefit most from Ability Haste and lots of tankiness.
How to play
- Start the game with Guardian's Horn.
- Rush Imperial Mandate if you want to have fun with Glacial Augument. Otherwise, get items that are going to counter enemy team the most.
- Knight's Vow is a surprisingly good item.
- You are tank: adapt to enemy team. Enemy team heavy on AP? Buy MR. They heavy on AD? Buy Armor. You need some damage? Well buy that.
Tips and Tricks
- Follow your Blood Hunt trails to low health enemy champions.
- Infinite Duress (R)'s distance scales with any Move Speed you gain, even from ally buffs and summoner spells.
- Jaws of the Beast (Q) will follow enemies who run, dash or teleport if you keep the button held down.
Skill Order
- Jaws of the BeastQ
- Blood HuntW
- Primal HowlE
- Infinite DuressR
Starting items
Good tank items
Good MR items
Good Armor items
Situational items
Situational DMG items
For the last fight
Example final build