Thornmail Wukong build with runes and items. Thornmail Wukong guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Thornmail Wukong build in League of Legends Patch 25.S1.4!
Hit or miss. Works only if an enemy team is full of physical damage dealers (preferably auto-attackers).
If an enemy team is full of mages/AP damage, play regular tank build instead.
All items like Unending Despair, Thornmail or Sunfire Aegis work off your clone, making them extra efficient.
How to play
How is this Thornmail build for Wukong different to regular tank builds? Item order, Armor stacking and countering enemy physical damage dealers!
This build is aimed to counter AD comps. Since you don't know the enemy team, you need to adapt in game. It is hit or miss. If they are heavy AP - just play regular tank.
Late game, you can consider selling boots for 6th item - for even more sweet Thornmail damage!
Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs!
You get extra spikey with stacks of Stone Skin (Passive), thanks to increased Armor.
Tips and Tricks
Your Crushing Blow (Q) applies armor reduction. You can apply that debuff to enemy bruisers or tanks, making them easier to kill for your team.
You can be actually decent peeler for your carries (especially when playing off-meta roles). Your Cyclone (R) can knock the enemy up two times to cut your damage dealers some slack.
You can pretend that you used Warrior Trickster (W) by stopping mid-fight with an S key (stop movement binding).
Decoy and Nimbus Strike work well together to quickly strike your enemy and get out before they can retaliate.
Try using Decoy near brush to make an enemy overreact to your movement.