Blue Zoe build with runes and items. Blue Zoe guide offers in-depth how-to play, skill order and tips. Play Blue Zoe build in League of Legends Patch 25.05!
As Zoe playing Blue build you will have good kitting (thanks to Iceborn Gauntlet and tons of Ability Haste) and good damage (BoTRK, Titanic, Muramana). Play like bruiser, but remember that you will be squishy early game and more tanky later on.
You have two rush options. Either rush Blade of The Ruined King or Iceborn Gauntlet. BoTRK for more damage, Iceborn Gauntlet for more tankiness.
You can go more tanky or more damage, depending on the enemy team. Adapt!
With Font of Life, you will be healing your allies.
Remember to consume your Grasp of the Undying procs.
You have surprisingly high damage output - from your More Sparkles! (Passive) and Spell Thief (W). Remember to auto attack. A lot!
Try picking up all spells in fights and use it on cooldown. This will increase your damage output and make you harder to catch
You can kite pretty well with your Spell Thief (W). Use this!
You can use R to disrupt fights. Later on, you will be pretty tanky. In fights, R into an enemy team, throw Sleepy Trouble Bubble (E), get focused and Portal Jump (R) out.
Tips and Tricks
Paddle Star deals more damage the further it has flown. Casting it behind yourself before redirecting can deal tons of damage.
Break Sleep with your biggest damage source, since enemies who are asleep take double damage.
Sleepy Trouble Bubble travels further over walls. Find a hiding spot to set up for a long distance kill.