Why You Should NOT Buy Potions in ARAM?
In League of Legends' ARAM mode, you might instinctively buy potions to sustain yourself in the early game. On the surface, it seems like a safe and logical choice, helping you stay alive long enough to purchase more impactful items.
But is it always the right decision? In this guide, we’ll dive into the hidden costs of buying potions, explore in depth potions trade-offs, when you should not buy it, and outline exceptions where potions can make sense.
The Hidden Cost of Potions
Delays Core Items
- Slower Power Spikes: Investing in potions diverts gold from items, delaying your champion’s key power spikes. In ARAM, where team fights are constant, getting to your core items quickly can be the difference between winning and losing.
- Reduced Impact: By investing in potions, you might miss out on getting that crucial item that could help you win the next fight, and build advantage.
Encourages Passive Play
- Slowing Down the Pace: Potions often promote a passive mindset, leading players to hang back and preserve health instead of participating actively in fights.
- KDA Griefing: Players overly focused on staying alive (and maintaining their KDA) might hinder their team's progress. The game isn’t won by survival; it’s won by achieving objectives.
Focus on Objectives, Not Survival
Dying Is Okay
- Embrace Death Strategically: In ARAM, dying isn't always a bad thing. It gives you a chance to buy items and return with full health and mana, ready to contribute to the next team fight.
- Use Death to Reset: Strategic deaths can allow you to reset your HP and mana, purchase items, and re-enter the fight more powerful, with full HP and Mana. This approach is often more beneficial than merely staying alive with low health and resources.
Detracts From the Main Goal
- Focus on the Objective: The primary objective in ARAM is to destroy the enemy Nexus. Investing in potions shifts focus away from this goal. Instead of using gold for items that contribute to team fights and pushing power, you’re spending it on temporary health sustain.
- Objective Play: A potion-centric approach can lead to indecisiveness, where players are more concerned about survival and their HP, rather than pushing towers or participating actively in fights.
Exceptions to the Rule
While avoiding potions is generally a good rule of thumb, there are scenarios where they can be useful:
- Sustain-Oriented Builds: Champions or builds reliant on sustain may benefit from potions, making them OK buy.
- Safe Champions: Champions who can safely stay in the backline and avoid damage might find potions helpful for staying topped up.
- Personal Preferences: Some players might like playing with potions. If that's your preference, and you are aware of trade-offs, and you are OK with them, go for potions!
- Facing Heavy Poke: Against poke-heavy compositions, potions can bridge the gap until you purchase real anti-poke items like Warmog’s Armor or Kaenic Rookern.
Avoiding potions in ARAM can lead to more aggressive, objective-focused gameplay that prioritizes core itemization and team fights.
While there are exceptions based on champion, build or playstyle, you need to be aware that it may contribute to more passive play and delay your core items.
Overall, buying potions should be a mindful decision. Understanding the trade-offs will help you decide whether potions fit your strategy for the game — or if you’re better off investing in items instead.