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Patch 25.05 update #
- Patch 25.05 update
- 216 builds updated
- Renata Glasc On-Hit added.
- Renata Glasc Imperial Mandate added.
- Improved Runes Builder.
- Udyr AP builds updated with SDCR tactic (First Strike!) - thanks to Nxal
- Tips and Tricks for Blitzcrank, Renekton, Shyvana, Nasus.
- Tips and Tricks for Poppy, Nidalee, Jayce, Elise, Gnar, Gangplank (thanks Nxal and Alex!)
- Stats update
Patch 25.S1.4 update #
- Patch 25.S1.4 update
- 255 builds updated
- Tips and Tricks for Kai'sa
- Stats update
Yet another regular update #
- 105 builds updated
- New Support builds:
- Yasuo Support added.
- Yone Support added.
- Tips and tricks for:
- Blitzcrank, Malphite, Teemo
- Stats update
It's Over 1300! #
- Reached milestone of over 1300 ARAM builds!
- 242 builds updated.
- 15 builds added - please refer to Build Hub (off meta healing Support builds)
- Heartsteel and off-meta healing Support builds updated.
- Tips and Tricks for:
- Zilean, Shaco, Vayne
- Cassiopeia, Gangplank, Yorick
- Improving UX on Builds pages - colored buttons matching tags.
- Improving UX on specific Build pages.
- Fixed 'How to' sections on Build pages, as they were not displayed all content (woops).
- Stats update
Patch 25.S1.1 update #
- 692 builds updated (tanks, Heartsteel, Bruisers, ADCs)
- Polishing guides for better UX.
- Stats update
Content Update #
- New Zoe builds:
- Support Zoe added.
- Imperial Mandate Zoe added.
- New Lethality builds:
- Lethality Trundle added.
- Lethality Tristana added.
- Tips and Tricks for:
- Annie, Leona, Darius
- Cassiopeia, Ashe, Cho'Gath
- Elise, Evelynn, Twisted Fate
- Added some visual improvements for guides for various texts.
- Stats update